The Signs of Zodiac
The early history of astrology is intimately interrelated with the antiquity of astronomy. By studying both sciences separately, the results may prove one-sided, and one may fail to discern things of great value. The history of ancient astronomy must be attended jointly with the history of astrology, whose contribution to the history of science has often been depreciated. This situation has begun to change only recently. The number of academic publications proposes that in addition to ancient philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy, more and more attention is set on ancient astrology, which has played a significant role in the history of human thought.
List of the Zodiac signs
Si No | Indian System | Western System | Symbol | Part of the body | Ruler | Period |
1 | Mesha | Aries | The Ram | Face and Head | Mars | 21st March to 20th April |
2 | Vrishabha | Taurus | The Bull | Neck and Throat | Venus | 21st April to 20th May |
3 | Mithuna | Gemini | The Twins | Shoulder and Arms | Mercury | 21st May to 20th June |
4 | Karka | Cancer | The Crab | Chest and Breast | Moon | 21st June to 20th July |
5 | Simha | Leo | The Lion | Heart, Soul, and Spinal Cord | Sun | 21st July to 20th August |
6 | Kanya | Virgo | The Virgin | Stomach and Intestine | Mercury | 21st August to 20th September |
7 | Tula | Libra | Scale | Navel and External Organs of Generation | Venus | 21st September to 20th October |
8 | Vrischika | Scorpio | The Scorpion | Internal Organs of Generation | Mars | 21st October to 20th November |
9 | Dhanu | Sagittarius | The Centaur | Thighs | Jupiter | 21st November to 20th December |
10 | Makar | Capricorn | The Goat | Knees | Saturn | 21st December to 20th January |
11 | Kumbha | Aquarius Man | carrying water | pitcher | Legs | Uranus 21st January to 20th February |
12 | Meena | Pisces | Two fishes (the tail of one in the mouth of the other) | Ankles and Feet | Neptune | 21st February to 20th March |
Significance of the Zodiac signs or horoscope
The twelve signs of the Zodiac form the primary clock describing the journey of the Sun through the heavens, a cycle that takes a year to complete. This astrological year starts in late March at the time when the Sun enters Aries. After that, the signs change at monthly intervals. The Zodiac consists of twelve Signs or Rashis. Theoretically, each character is 30 degrees. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac; followed by Taurus and the others.
The Zodiac chart is the map of the heavens at the time of the event is under reference. Hence, the birth chart is the map of the sky during the time of birth at the delivery place of the child and is known as the “Birth Chart”. The rising sign during the time of birth is called Ascendant, which signifies the East direction and is also the 1st—house of the horoscope. The opposite sign the Ascendant is known as the descendent is the West direction and is the 7th. House of the horoscope. The sign at the top and right angles to the Ascendant is known as Midheaven, are the South direction and the 10th. House. The sign opposite the Midheaven is known as the Nadir, is the North direction and the 4th. House.
Signs: They indicate the trend and quality of the human mind. They confer power to resist against odd environments or circumstances.
Houses: They denote the environment, circumstances, and conditions of human life. Each house has its specialties. Each sign is content, and each house is a transparent receptacle. This content, when put into the house gives a superior quality to it. The beginning of the house is known as the cusp of the house. The house extends from the cusp of the house to the cusp of the next house. However, the Indian tradition to call the cusp as “ Bhava Madhya “ is now accepted by Western Astrologers also, that being the most sensitive point of the house.
Planets: Planets influence the human mind according to their inherent tendencies and the way their influence works in every walk in life. The desirable impact is felt under good aspects. At the same time, an undesirable consequence is experienced under bad aspects or afflictions – a planet in bad part is termed as a planet in distress or afflicted or afflicting.
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