List of Elements of Periodic Table With Names
Elements in the periodic table are arranged according to their atomic number and atomic mass from 1 to 118. There are still some elements to be known yet. Scientists are yet to discover many more elements and adjust the periodic table accordingly. But the list of the periodic table elements known till now, are given below:
ElementNo. | Element Name | Element Symbol |
1 | Hydrogen | H |
2 | Helium | He |
3 | Lithium | Li |
4 | Beryllium | Be |
5 | Boron | B |
6 | Carbon | C |
7 | Nitrogen | N |
8 | Oxygen | O |
9 | Fluorine | F |
10 | Neon | Ne |
11 | Sodium | Na |
12 | Magnessium | Mg |
13 | Aluminium | Al |
14 | Silicon | Si |
15 | Phosphorus | P |
16 | Sulphur | S |
17 | Chlorine | Cl |
18 | Argon | Ar |
19 | Potassium | K |
20 | Calcium | Ca |
21 | Scandium | Sc |
22 | Titanium | Ti |
23 | Vanadium | V |
24 | Chromium | Cr |
25 | Manganese | Mn |
26 | Iron | Fe |
27 | Cobalt | Co |
28 | Nickel | Ni |
29 | Copper | Cu |
30 | Zinc | Zn |
31 | Gallium | Ga |
32 | Germanium | Ge |
33 | Arsenic | As |
34 | Selenium | Se |
35 | Bromine | Br |
36 | Krypton | Kr |
37 | Rubidium | Rb |
38 | Strontium | Sr |
39 | Yttrium | Y |
40 | Zicronium | Zr |
41 | Niobium | Nb |
42 | Molybdenum | Mo |
43 | Technetium | Tc |
44 | Ruthenium | Ru |
45 | Rhodium | Rh |
46 | Palladium | Pd |
47 | Silver | Ag |
48 | Cadmium | Cd |
49 | Indium | In |
50 | Tin | Sn |
51 | Antimony | Sb |
52 | Tellurium | Te |
53 | Iodine | I |
54 | Xenon | Xe |
55 | Cesium | Cs |
56 | Barium | Ba |
57 | Lanthanum | La |
58 | Cerium | Ce |
59 | Praseodymium | Pr |
60 | Neodymium | Nd |
61 | Promethium | Pm |
62 | Samarium | Sm |
63 | Europium | Eu |
64 | Gadolinium | Gd |
65 | Terbium | Tb |
66 | Dysprosium | Dy |
67 | Holmium | Ho |
68 | Erbium | Er |
69 | Thulium | Tm |
70 | Ytterbium | Yb |
71 | Lutetium | Lu |
72 | Hafnium | Hf |
73 | Tantalum | Ta |
74 | Tungsten | W |
75 | Rhenium | Re |
76 | Osmium | Os |
77 | Iridium | Ir |
78 | Platinum | Pt |
79 | Gold | Au |
80 | Mercury | Hg |
81 | Thallium | Tl |
82 | Lead | Pb |
83 | Bismuth | Bi |
84 | Polonium | Po |
85 | Astatine | At |
86 | Radon | Rn |
87 | Francium | Fr |
88 | Radium | Ra |
89 | Actinium | Ac |
90 | Thorium | Th |
91 | Protactinium | Pa |
92 | Uranium | U |
93 | Neptunium | Np |
94 | Plutonium | Pu |
95 | Americium | Am |
96 | Curium | Cm |
97 | Berkelium | Bk |
98 | Californium | Cf |
99 | Einsteinium | Es |
100 | Fermium | Fm |
101 | Mendelevium | Md |
102 | Nobelium | No |
103 | Lawrencium | Lr |
104 | Rutherfordium | Rf |
105 | Dubnium | Db |
106 | Seaborgium | Sg |
107 | Bohrium | Bh |
108 | Hassium | Hs |
109 | Meitnerium | Mt |
110 | Darmstadtium | Ds |
111 | Roentgenium | Rg |
112 | Copernicium | Cn |
113 | Nihonium | Nh |
114 | Flerovium | Fl |
115 | Moscovium | Mc |
116 | Livermorium | Lv |
117 | Tennessine | Ts |
118 | Oganesson | Og |
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