Learnings from Jensen Huang Interview.
As a kid, my dad always gave me books, mainly biographies of successful entrepreneurs, freedom fighters, etc. I never understood the purpose until I was mature enough to know why Dad wanted my sisters and me to read them. These interviews paved the path for my career and communication tactics.
Jensen Huang, NVIDIA’s CEO, was recently interviewed at Stanford University. This piece is my understanding of what I learned from the interview. Every video gamer has an experience of NVIDIA. Nvidia Corporation is an American multinational corporation and technology company headquartered in Santa Clara, California, and incorporated in Delaware. Jensen Huang, Curtis Priem, and Chris Malachowsky founded it. In this interview, Jensen Huang spoke about essential topics that piqued my interest and answered some questions.

In 1993, when there was a microprocessor revolution when computers and operating systems were blooming, Jensen, Curtis, and Chris discussed, “Why don’t they build a company to solve problems that a normal computer powered by general purpose computing can’t?” This particular thought has become their company’s mission.
NVIDIA Investment Opportunities.
- “How did they convince the most sought investor in Silicon Valley to invest in a team of first-time founders building a new product for a market that doesn’t exist?”
This broadened my imagination of the kind of challenges they were facing. Creating a new product for a market that didn’t exist during a microprocessing revolution was uncertain. I understood from his answer that you can do good and bad interviews, but you can’t run away from your past. So, have a good past. Jensen convinced his investors because of his excellent past with his previous employers.
When Jensen Huang presented his pitch to the investors, it was his work and his relationship with the investors that became a beacon of hope to the investors. He trusted Jensen because he had seen his work firsthand and had confidence in him and his leadership. So, having the best corporate relationships and building a better present counts the most.
With proper funding and the correct management, the company entered into image and video graphics used in video games. That technology costs millions of dollars, and the video game industry hasn’t risen yet. So, there was a situation where the market was to be created to use the technology. Create technology and develop markets to use this technology.
- “You can succeed in doing something like inventing a future even if you are not informed about it at all. And this is my attitude about everything.”
Connecting with the current situation about rising AI tools, I felt Jensen’s words are genuinely apt. In one way, what Jensen has done with video game chips is what Sam Altman has done recently with Open AI. I am creating a pathway for a future.
- “You can learn how something can be done, go back to first principles, and ask yourself, “Given the conditions today, the motivation, instruments, and tools, how will I redo this?”
You cannot do the same thing someone already did and expect a different result. To create or do something new, you must understand how things work and implement what you’ve learned to meet your needs. This is how innovation takes place. Simply put, we know how a swing works and how a chair is designed; combine them, and you get a rocking chair.
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- “There are interesting problems that we can solve. The question is, are these interesting problems interesting markets? If the problem is not interesting markets, it is not sustainable.”
When it comes to business or start-ups, it is always about solving problems. Or in what ways you can minimize the troubles caused by problems. But there has to be a market catering to the issues.
For example, Kodak was a successful company that catered to the photography industry. However, when the industry dynamics changed, Kodak failed to identify the new problems of the digitalized industry. Their take on not going digital took a dark turn, and the company was unable to innovate.
- If someone else can do it, let them do it. We should select something that if we didn’t do it, the world would fall apart. You have to convince yourself that if I don’t do this, it won’t get done. If that work is hard and impactful, it gives you a sense of purpose.”
This is something that is very useful for determining your purpose. Anyone can do simpler or already determined or programmed jobs. If you choose something that has yet to be done or hasn’thave yet to be thought of, and if you can figure out a way to make it work, it helps you in various ways. You keep yourself busy and occupied, challenge yourself and your team to do something that hasn’t been done yet.
If we have to talk in terms of examples, it took one Rajamouli film to break another Rajamouli film’s record. Of course, everyone has their own unique style and way of looking at things. But if V.V. Vinayak, Prashanth Varma (Director of Hanu-Man), or Sukumar (Director Pushpa) had directed R, the results would have been entirely different. Not that they are not capable of re-writing history, Pushpa has broken numerous records in Indian cinema, but Rajamouli has a history of using the right amount of VFX and a fantastic writer (Vijayendra Prasad) by his side.
To sum it up, these were my understandings and learnings from the interview. Self-help books and interviews give us a new perspective on things all together. Be it about personality development or communication tactics, books and interviews have had a significant impact on my career. This interview is just one tool or aspect that piqued my interest. Let me share a few books and interviews or videos that changed my perception of things.
Jensen Huang Books:
- How to win friends and influence people- Dale Carnegie
- The Four Hour Work Week- Tim Ferriss
- Drive- Daniel H Pink
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People- Stephen Covey
Jensen Huang Interviews:
- Sundar Pichai Interview at IIT
- Steve Jobs Apple iPhone Launch
- Jensen Huang Interview at Stanford University. (Article based on this interview.)
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