Cranial nerves are sets of nerves that connect our brain to different parts of our head, neck and trunk. There are twelve cranial nerves which are named according to their function as well as structure. These are named using the Roman numerals based on their location in the body from the front to the back. These nerves are divided into two types based on their functions: i)Sensory nerve or ii)motor nerve Sensory nerves are the type of nerves which are connected with the …

A virus is an infectious negotiator that multiplies itself on its own and gets transmitted from one living organism to another through communication either by air, water or in person. The history of the virus gives an account of the influence of Viruses and infections that they have provoked. And the aspects in which it affects living organisms, especially human beings. Viruses caused epidemics in human with the variation in their behaviour, i.e. agricultural communities started developing, etc. during the

The banyan tree is a plant that grows on another plant when its seed germinates in a crack or fissure of a host tree or pile. Its scientific name is “Ficus benghalensis“, and is native to the Indian subcontinent. It is also the national tree of India. Usually, it reaches up to the heights of over 100 feet, making it quite a large tree. It also grows sideways, covering a broad area – this means one tree, given adequate time, will look …

Development as a subsequent knowledge of biology took place during the era of the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle (384- 322 B.C.). He shared his thoughts about several aspects of the life of plants and animals. Aristotle is considered to be the Father of biology. He was the first person to inquire into biology systematically, and biology constitutes a large part of his compositions. He spent two years examining and explaining the zoology of Lesbos and the surrounding seas, including in particular …

Locomotion is one of the significant characteristics of CREATURES that differentiate them from other living and non-living things. This is simply because of the bones and muscles present in their body. Based on the structure of joints, these are classified into three types: Fibrous Joints These are the immovable joints where bones are fixed, i.e. not flexible. These joints have no cavity and are joined by connective tissues which are made up of collagen. Example of fibrous joints includes the upper jaw, …

In our day to day life, we come across a variety of things that we do not tend to notice. Our planet ‘Earth’, in which we live itself surrounded by plenty of varied ‘things’ or ‘species’. These “things” comprised of two basic types–“ Living” and “Non-living”. Each of these types is entirely different from each other. Both of these have their own set of rules by which they categorised from each other. But If something obeys only a few rules, …

Blood is regarded as connective tissue because it consists of a non-living fluid in which living cells are present. It has three main functions, namely transportation, regulation and protection. Cells in the blood are of 3 Structure types: red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelets (thrombocytes). These make up 45% of our blood volume, the rest of the 55% is composed of plasma. Difference between prokaryotic cells vs eukaryotic cells Structure of Red Blood Cells: Red blood cells …

The human eye is an organ that reacts in light and allows light perception, colour vision, and depth perception. A structure inside the eye called the cornea focuses light onto a light-sensitive membrane called the retina, which is similar to a camera lens that focuses light onto film. Engrained in the retina are millions of light-sensitive cells, known as rods and cones. Rods enable the monochrome vision required in poor light, while cones enable colour vision and the detection …

“Biology is defined as the study of living organisms, their origins, anatomy, morphology, physiology, behaviour, and distribution.” Life is present in every corner of this planet, from the frozen Arctics to the searing Sahara. With over 8.7 million species documented till date, the earth is the only planet in the universe where life is known to exist. Advancements in technology have opened even more insights about life and its constituents. For instance, major discoveries such as viruses have scrutinized traditional …

Chameleons are colorful lizards also known as one of the few animals that can change skin color. However, it is a misconception that chameleons change colors to match their surroundings. Then how do they blend with any environment? What is the reason behind the color change? How do they change color? All these questions are answered here. First, let’s see what are these creatures? What are Chameleons? Chameleons or chamaeleons are a distinctive and highly specialized clade of Old World lizards. The word chameleon is a interpreted …

Two Basic Types of Cells 1.Prokaryotic cells: Prokaryotic cells are evolutionarily ancient. They were here first and for billions of years were the only form of life. Today most life is prokaryotic, and these cells are supremely successful. All bacteria and bacteria-like Archaea are prokaryotic organisms. 2. Eukaryotic cells: Eukaryotes can be single-celled or multi-cellular organisms. Eukaryotic cells are more complex, having evolved from a prokaryote-like predecessor. Most of the living things that we are typically familiar with are composed …

Here are some of the most mind-blowing facts. Winspire Magazine is presenting you a few mind blowing facts. Facts about dreams, food like honey, dragonfly, paper money, snakes, contitents like Australia, chameleon’s tongue, insects like butterfly, cricket and ants. According to Oxford Dictionaries, ‘dreamt’ is the only English word that ends with ‘mt‘. The word’s derivatives, including undreamt, daydreamt, and redreamt, are the only other words that end with the same letters. Honey is the only food that doesn’t spoil. Due to honey’s hygroscopy and low pH, two qualities that make …

Chameleons are colorful lizards also known as one of the few animals that can change skin color. However, it is a misconception that chameleons change colors to match their surroundings. Then how do they blend with any environment? What is the reason behind the color change? How do they change color? All these questions are answered here. First, let’s see what are these creatures? What are Chameleons? Chameleons or chamaeleons are a distinctive and highly specialized clade of Old World lizards. The word chameleon is a interpreted …

We humans have red colour blood, a feature we share with the majority of the other creatures on the planet. But that is not the only colour possible. Some animals bleed not only in red, but in purple, blue, and even green. This article explains how, and why, that happens. Let’s take a look at what causes blood to have a certain color in each animal. What is Blood? Blood is a fluid within most animals that carries oxygen and …

Have you checked the egg section of a grocery store or farmers market, and you’ll notice cartons of eggs separated into white and brown, sometimes even green or blue eggs. What is the difference between eggs with shells of different colors? What would make them that color? There are more than 60 breeds of chickens recognized and 100 of other chicken breeds that have been developed worldwide — many of whom lay gorgeous eggs in a rainbow of hues ranging …

Life’s basic needs are food, water and living space. Any change in these factors will affect the survival of living things. An entire ecosystem can be reshaped. Liquid water is the primary cause of life on Earth. Rivers, lakes, and the ocean are forms of naturally formed waterways. Earth is covered with 71% of water bodies. What is Ecosystem Engineer? One of the interesting topics in biology is the role of ecosystem engineers. An ecosystem engineer is any living being that creates, modifies, supports or destroys an …

What are kidney stones? Kidney stones are solid masses made of crystals. Kidney stones usually originate in your kidneys. However, they can develop anywhere along your urinary tract, which consists of these parts: kidneys bladder urethra ureters Kidney stones are one of the most painful medical conditions. The causes of kidney stones vary according to the type of stone. Types of kidney stones Not all kidney stones are made up of the same crystals. The different types …

Ants live in big colonies, and are highly organized. When an ant identifies some food, it picks a small piece of it, and leaves chemical scents called pheromones along the path, which helps the other ants to reach the source of food. As the ants follow the scents of the pheromones, this make them walk in a straight line. But you know what the ants have different sets of colonies, and each colony has a distinctive set of pheromones. If …

The dog has been a faithful friend of man for many years. Most of the dogs are kept as pets to do useful work like herding sheep or guarding buildings. Today, there are more than 100 breeds of dog of many colours, shapes, and sizes. Dogs are short-sighted and see only shades of grey. They see a world that is blurred and has no colour. But a dog’s sense of smell is a thousand times better than us. If …

Fruits are a product of fertilization. Generally, fruits will germinate into plants that will flower, offering another opportunity for fertilization. But the bananas bear tiny almost-remnants of seeds that will not germinate, but the wild, banana “fruits” have seeds. The botanical term parthenocarpy refers to the development of ovary of a flower into a fruit without fertilization, and these fruits are seedless. Fruits that develop parthenocarpically are generally seedless. Some seedless fruits come from sterile triploid plants, with sets of …