India’s Identity Shift: Will ‘Bharat’ Become the Official Name?
India is called “Bharat” in various Indian languages due to its historical and cultural significance. The name “Bharat” has deep roots in ancient Indian texts and mythology and holds a special place in the country’s identity. Here are some reasons why India is called “Bharat”:

Historical Origins: The name “Bharat” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Bharata,” which can be traced back to the epic Mahabharata. Bharata was a legendary king and a prominent figure in the Mahabharata, and the term “Bharatavarsha” or “Bharata Khanda” referred to the land over which he ruled.
Cultural identity: “Bharat” represents India’s rich cultural heritage. By using this name, Indians emphasize their connection to their ancient roots, traditions, and values, fostering a sense of pride and cultural identity.
Constitutional Recognition: The name “Bharat” is officially recognized in the Indian Constitution. According to Article 1 of the Indian Constitution, India is called “Bharat” in Hindi and other Indian languages. In English, it is called “India.”
Linguistic Diversity: India is a linguistically diverse country with numerous languages and dialects. Using “Bharat” in Hindi and other Indian languages helps maintain linguistic and cultural diversity while acknowledging the nation’s unity.
Symbol of Unity: “Bharat” is often seen as a symbol of unity, reflecting that despite India’s vast diversity in language, religion, and culture, it remains a single nation with a shared history and destiny.
Historical Usage: The name “Bharat” has been used for centuries in various Indian texts, including religious scriptures, historical records, and literary works. Its historical usage further reinforces its cultural significance.
In essence, the name “Bharat” represents India’s historical and cultural identity and its diverse yet unified nature. It serves as a reminder of India’s ancient heritage and helps foster a sense of unity and pride among its people.
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