Animals And Their Babies Names
When it comes to knowing the names of animals and their baby names, we know only about a few of them like cows-calf, dogs-puppy, goat-kid, cat-kitten, etc. But there are plenty of animals still there whose baby names are not known to us. Here is a list of animal names and their babies.
Animal name | Baby name |
Aardvark | cub, calf |
Addax | cub, calf |
Agouti | pup |
Alligator | hatchling |
Alpaca | cria |
Anteater | pup |
Antelope | Calf |
Ant | Antling |
Ape | Infant |
Armadillo | Pup |
Ayeaye | baby,infant |
Baboon | Infant |
Bat | Pup |
Bear | Cub |
Beaver | Kitten, kit |
Bee | Larva |
Beluga | Calf |
Bird | hatchling, chick |
Binturong | pup, kitten |
Boar | shoat, boarlet, piglet, farrow |
Bobcat | kitten, cub |
Bongo | Calf |
Bonobo | Baby |
Butterfly | caterpillar, larva, pupa, chrysalis |
Camel | Calf |
Caribou | calf, fawn |
Cat | Kitten |
Cattle | Calf |
Cheetah | cub |
Chicken | chick, pullet (young hen),cockrell (young rooster) |
Cicada | Nymph |
Clam | Larva |
Coyote | pup, whelp |
Crane | Chick |
Crocodile | Hatchling |
Crow | Chick |
Deer | Fawn |
Dinosaur | hatchling, juvenile |
Dog | Pup |
Dolphin | pup, calf |
Donkey | colt, foal |
Dove squab | Chick |
Duck | Duckling |
Eagle | fledgling, eaglet |
Echidna | Puggle |
Eel | leptocephalus (larva), elver (juvenile) |
Elephant | Calf |
Elk | Calf |
Emu | chick, hatchling |
Falcon | Chick |
Ferret | Kit |
Finch | Chick |
Fish | fry, fingerling |
Fly | Maggot |
Fox | kit, cub, pup |
Frog | tadpole, polliwog, froglet |
Gerbil | Pup |
Giraffe | Calf |
Gnat | Larva |
Gnu | Calf |
Goat | kid, billy |
Goose | Gosling |
Gorilla | infant |
Grasshoper | Nymph |
Grouse | chick, poult, squealer, cheeper |
Guinea pig | pig, pup |
Gull | Chick |
Hamster | Pup |
Hare | Leveret |
Hawk | Eyas |
Hedgehog | piglet, pup |
Heron | Chick |
Hippopotamus | Calf |
Hog | shaot, farrow |
Honey Badger | kit, cub |
Hornet | Larva |
Horse | foal, colt (male), filly (female) |
Hound | Pup |
Human | baby, infant, toddler |
Huming bird | Chick |
Hyena | Cub |
Jay | Chick |
Jellyfish | Ephyna |
Kangaroo | Joey |
Koala | Joey |
Lark | Chick |
Lemur | baby, infant |
Leopard | Cub |
Llama | Cria |
Louse | nit, nymph |
Magpie | Chick |
Mallard | Duckling |
Manatee | Calf |
Mole | Pup |
Monkey | infant |
Mosquito | nymph, wriggler, tumbler |
Mouse | pup, pinkie, kitten |
Mule | Foal |
Muskrat | Kit |
Nightingale | Chick |
Opossum | Joey |
Ostrich | Chick |
Otter | whelp, pup |
Owl | owlet, fledgling |
Ox | stot, calf |
Oyster | Spat |
Panda | Cub |
Parrot | Chick |
Patridge | Cheeper |
Peacock | Peachick |
Penguin | Chick |
Pheasant | Chick |
Pig | piglet, shoat, farrow |
Pigeon | squab, squeaker |
Platypus | Puggle |
Porcupine | Porcupette |
Porpoise | Calf |
Possum | Joey |
Pronghorn | Fawn |
Quail | Chick |
Raccoon | cub, kit |
Rat | pup, pinkie, kitten |
Reindeer | Calf |
Rhinoceros | Calf |
Sand Dollar | larva, pluteus, juvenile |
Sea Urchin | larva, pluteus, juvenile |
Seal | pup |
Shark | Pup |
Snake | Snakelet |
Spider | Spiderling |
Squirrel | pup, kitten, kit |
Swan | cygnet, flapper |
Termite | Larva |
Tiger | cub, whelp |
Toad | Tadpole |
Trout | fry, fingerling |
Turkey | Poult |
Turtle | Hatchling |
Wallaby | Joey |
Walrus | cub, pup |
Whale | Calf |
Wolf | pup, whelp |
Wren | Chick |
Yak | Calf |
Yellow jacket | Larva |
Zebra | colt, foal |
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